Mathematics Department
Algebraic Geometry Research Group
> Archive
Terzo incontro natalizio di Algebra e Geometria.
21-22 dicembre 2015
Senior Speakers
Andrea Bruno (University of Roma Tre): On hyperplane sections of K3 surfaces.
Angela Ortega (Humboldt University): The Prym map of degree-7 cyclic coverings.
Junior Speakers
Gabriele Benedetti (WWU Münster): On the periodic motions of a charged particle in a magnetic field.
Barbara Bolognese (Northeastern University): Strange Duality and Verlinde numbers on abelian surfaces.
Francesca Carocci (Imperial College): Homological projective duality and blow ups.
Francesco Cavazzani (Harvard University): Complete homogeneous varieties.
Andrea Fanelli (Basel University): Effective Matsusaka for Surfaces in Positive Characteristic.
Giovanni Faonte (Yale University): Nerve construction, A-infinity functors and homotopy theory of dg-categories.
Enrico Fatighenti (University of Warwick): Hodge Theory and Deformations of Affine Cones of Subcanonical Projective Varieties.
Lorenzo Foscolo (Stony Brook University): Exotic nearly Kähler structures on the 6-sphere and the product of two 3-spheres.
Jacopo Gandini (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa): Abelian subalgebras of theta representations and sphericity.
Giulia Saccà (Stony Brook University): Geometry of O'Grady's 6 dimensional example.
Daniele Valeri (Tsinghua University): Adler type pseudodifferential operators and integrable systems.
Primo incontro natalizio di Algebra e Geometria.
20-21 dicembre 2011
Gabriele Di Cerbo (Princeton University): Instabilita' di
Bogomolov e teoremi di annullamento
Andrea Appel (Northeastern University): TBA
Giulio Codogni (University of Cambridge): L'assenza di relazioni
di Schottky stabili
Giulia Sacca' (Princeton University): TBA
Martina Lanini (Universita' di Roma 3 + Universitaet Erlangen):
Fasci su grafi momento e categorificazione
Margherita Lelli-Chiesa (Universitaet Humboldt Berlin):
Stabilita' di fibrati di Lazarsfeld-Mukai su superfici di tipo K3
Salvatore Stella (Northeastern University): Realizzazioni
geometriche degli associaedri generalizzati
Clara Rossi Salvemini (Universite' de Avignon): Spazi-tempo
conformemente piatti globalmente iperbolici