Short CV



General information




Family name:



Italian, English, French



Undergraduate studies


·        1996     Undergraduate student in Mathematics at University of Pisa

·        1999     Visiting student at École Normale Supérieure of Paris

·        2000     Diploma di Laurea (major degree) cum laude in Mathematics at University of Pisa with a major thesisCompattificazioni di Deligne-Mumford dello spazio dei moduli delle curve con strutture di livello” (supervisor: prof. Enrico Arbarello)

·        2000     Diploma di Licenza cum laude in Mathematics at Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa; dissertation titleQuantum cohomology and Gromov-Witten invariants


Graduate studies


·        2001      PhD student in Mathematics at Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa

·        2003     Defense of my PhD thesis “Combinatorial classes on the moduli space of curves are tautological” (supervisor: prof. Enrico Arbarello, referees: prof. Maurizio Cornalba, prof. John Harer)



Fellowships and awards


·        1996     Undergraduate fellow at the School of Science, Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa

·        2001      Graduate fellow at Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa

·        2007     Gilberto Bernardini award 2005” for best scientific PhD thesis





·        2003     Member of Institute for Advanced Study di Princeton (NJ)

·        2004     Research associate at Department of Mathematics, University of Bologna

·        2004     C.L.E. Moore Instructor at Department of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MA)

·        2007     Research associate at Department of Mathematics, University of Roma “Sapienza”

·        2007     Chapman Fellow at Imperial College of London (UK)

·        2008     Tenure-track assistant professor at Department of Mathematics, University of Roma “Sapienza”

·        2011       Tenured assistant professor at Department of Mathematics, University of Roma “Sapienza”

·        2015      Associate professor at Department of Mathematics, University of Roma “Sapienza”

·        2021     Professor at Department of Mathematics, University of Roma “Sapienza”



Research grants


·        AST project 2009Moduli of Riemann surfaces: geometric and related algebraic structures” (principal investigator)

·        FIRB project 2010Low-dimensional geometry and topology” (principal investigator for Rome branch)

·        University project 2014Geometric and algebraic structures: Lie theory and moduli spaces” (principal investigator)

·        University project 2022Algebraic and differential aspects of varieties and moduli spaces” (principal investigator)



Duties and boards


·        2008     Organizer of the Geometry Seminar at Department of Pure Mathematics, Imperial College of London

·        2010-2021      Organizer of the Algebra and Geometry Seminar at Department of Matematics, Università di Roma “Sapienza”

·        2013-2022      Member of PhD board in Mathematics, Università di Roma “Sapienza”





Referee for Inventiones Mathematicae, Duke Mathematical Journal, Advances in Mathematics, Geometriae Dedicata, International Mathematical Research Notices, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society.




Link to publications and preprints

Link to organization of schools and conferences
