Algebraic transformation groups: the mathematical legacy of Domingo Luna, Rome 2019, Poster session

Alisa Chistopolskaya,
On nilpotent generators of the special linear and symplectic Lie algebras

Aleksandra Garazha,
On a canonical basis of a pair of compatible Poisson brackets on matrix algebra

Joachim Jelisiejew,
Białynicki-Birula decomposition and applications

Kyeong-Dong Park,
On the deformation rigidity of smooth projective symmetric varieties with Picard number one

Evgeny Smirnov,
Slide polynomials and subword complexes

Yulia Zaitseva,
Commutative algebraic monoid structures on affine spaces

Vladimir Zhgoon,
On the Weyl group action on the orbits of submaximal rank via geometry of cotangent bundle

Last modified Oct 25, 2019 - pb