Lorenzo Bertini
I was born in Rome, where I studied physics and mathematics.
I have then been around the world, or better a small piece of it, for few
Afterwards, I returned to Rome, at the
Mathematics Department,
Università di Roma La
Sapienza, that has not (yet) fired me.
My main scientific interests lie in the probability theory.
Due to my background, I am however inclined to study those problems
which have some (dubious) application in statistical physics and more
specifically in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics.
In the last years, the research stream has brought me in contact with
some topics of the calculus of variations that I now also indulge in.
I have published several articles in scientific journals. Maybe, a
couple of them actually deserve to have been written.
You can find me in room 1, Istituto Guido Castelnuovo,
locali ex-falegnameria,
P.le delle Scienze 2 (the official toponym has been changed to P.le A. Moro).
Office phone num. : + 39 - 06 - 4991 4974
Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Roma La Sapienza
P.le A. Moro 2, 00185 Roma Italy
bertini "AT" mat.uniroma1.it