Bando per 1 assegno di ricerca nel campo "
Metodi numerici per equazioni alle derivate parziali non lineari ed applicazioni "
Dipartimento di Matematica, SAPIENZA - Universita di Roma, Responsabile: M. Falcone,
Scadenza: 20/10/2010
Assegno di ricerca per il progetto Firb-Ideas
" Approssimazione numerica di equazioni a derivate
parziali a coefficienti stocastici"
Contattare Fabio Nobile, nobilef@gmail.com, http://mox.polimi.it/~nobile
Bando per 1 assegno di ricerca nel campo " Modellistica e calcolo
scientifico di sistemi complessi in biologia e scienze della vita "
Borse del Network ESF " Optimization with PDE Constraints
Bando 2010 BCAM (Bilbao) per borse di studio di Dottorato e
Bandi da ricercatore a tempo indeterminato al CNR
Bandi da ricercatore a tempo indeterminato nelle università
Bando CASPUR per 1 borsa di studio. Area: Matematica Computazionale
Bando BCAM (Bilbao) per borse di studio di Dottorato e Post-Dottorato
"The BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics has opened an
internatio nal call for Post Doctoral researchers and PhD Students to
join the Research Project NUMERIWAVES "New Analytical and Numerical
Methods in Wave Propagation", coordinated by Prof. E. Zuazua and
funded by the ERC - European Research Council in the Advanced Grant
Program AdG_09.
Candidates with a background on Partial Differential Equations (PDE)
analysis, numerical analysis and computer simulations are searched for
* PhD Research Contracts
* Postdoctoral Fellow Contracts.
Applications must be submitted on-line at:
http://www.bcamath.org/joboffers before February 15th 2010 "
Bando ENSTA (Parigi) per borse di studio presso il gruppo di
Matematica Applicata
Bando INRIA - Sophia Antipolis (Antibes)
Borse di studio per tesi di Specialistica, Dottorato e Post-Dottorato
presso il gruppo ARIANA. Area: Trattamento delle immagini.
Bando INRIA - Sophia Antipolis (Antibes) e Nancy
Borse di studio per tesi di Specialistica, Dottorato e Post-Dottorato
presso il gruppo TOSCA. Area: Modelli stocastici e Analisi Numerica.
Borse di studio per il dottorato a Denver (USA)
The Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Department at the University of
Colorado at Denver is actively recruiting out-of-state students for its
M.S.and Ph.D. programs. We would like to ask for your help in recommending
our program to highly qualified students. UC-Denver is an urban
university located in the heart of downtown Denver. We are anticipating a
significant number of open graduate assistantships this year and are eager
to identify promising students interested in pursuing a M.S. or Ph.D. in
applied mathematics. Our program features:
. Vibrant research groups in Computational Mathematics, Discrete
Mathematics, Operations Research, Finite Geometry, Probability,
Statistics, Computational Biology and Mathematics Education.
. High faculty-to-student ratios, enabling students to develop close
working relationships with their advisors.
. Opportunities for collaborations with local industry and national
laboratories through our Math Clinic Program and our Statistical
Consulting Workshop and Service.
. Financial support for Ph.D. students (close to half of our Ph.D.
students receive financial support).
. Centers for Computational Mathematics and Computational Biology, which
provide opportunities for students to explore multidisciplinary research
Needless to say, there is the additional attraction of living at the foot
of the Rocky Mountains!? Further information on our program is available
at math.ucdenver.edu, on the University of Colorado at
http://www.ucdenver.edu and on Denver at www.denver.org.
Students should feel free to contact me directly, by email or phone, to
talk about further opportunities. Also, feel free to print and post this
email for advertising purposes and/or to forward this email as well.
Best wishes,
Stephanie A. Santorico, Ph.D.
Graduate Program Director