Meeting on Applied Mathematics
Calculus of Variations


Rome September 4-7, 2012

Scope of the meeting is to stimulate interaction between young researchers working on Applied Mathematics and Calculus of Variations. The program will not be very dense giving more room for discussions between partecipants.

The meeting will take place at the Dipartimento di Matematica "Guido Castelnuovo"
Università di Roma ''La Sapienza'', Piazzale Aldo Moro, Roma

Time table
Venue: Aula Picone
Some participants
(in alphabetical order)
Tuesday 4
14.00 - 14.30 Registration
14.30 - 15.15 Jean Van Schaftingen
15.15 - 15.45 coffee break
15.45 - 16.30 Guido De Philippis 
16.45 - 17.30 Dorian Goldman

 Wednesday 5
10.00 - 10.45 Vincent Millot
11:00 - 11:30 coffee break
11.30 - 12.15 Mircea Petrache
12.30 - 13.15 Caterina Zeppieri

14.30 - 15.15 Duvan Henao
15.30 - 16.15 Lucia Scardia

Thursday 6
10.00 - 10.45 Carlos Mora Corral
11:00 - 11:30 coffee break
11.30 - 12.15 Virginia Agostiniani
12.30 - 13.15 Francesco Solombrino

Friday 7  
10.30 - 11.15  Emanuele Spadaro 
11.30 - 12.15  Camillo De Lellis


There is no registration fee.  You can register with this link.

A list of hotels in the campus area is available here


COFIN 2008 through the National Project "Problemi Variazionali a Scala Multipla" (Rome Local Units coordinated by A. Braides and A. Garroni)


ROBERTO ALICANDRO (Università di Cassino)

ADRIANA GARRONI (Università di Roma "La Sapienza")

ADRIANO PISANTE (Università di Roma "La Sapienza")

(Università di Roma "La Sapienza")