Publications (articles, proceedings and others)
Last update: 04/04/2022
43. Propagation fronts in a simplified model of tumor growth with degenerate cross- dependent self-diffusivity, with Th.Gallay, NONLINEAR ANAL REAL WORLD APPL 63 (2022)
42. Propagating fronts for a viscous Hamer-type system, with G.Cianfarani Carnevale, C.Lattanzio, DISCRETE CONTIN DYN SYST SER A 42 (2021)
41. Metastability and layer dynamics for the hyperbolic relaxation of the Cahn-Hilliard equation, with R.Folino, C.Lattanzio, J DYN DIFFER EQU 33 (2021)
40. Numerical evidences of almost convergence of wave speeds for the Burridge–Knopoff model by means of a space-averaged wave speed estimate, with P.Moschetta, SN APPL SCI 2 (2020)
39. Motion of interfaces for a damped hyperbolic Allen-Cahn equation, with R.Folino, C.Lattanzio, COMMUN PURE APPL ANAL 19 (2020)
38. Phase transitions of biological phenotypes by means of a prototypical PDE model
with P.Moschetta, C.Simeoni, COMMUN APPL IND MATH 11 (2020)
37. Chorin's approaches revisited: vortex particle method vs finite volume method, with O.Giannopoulou, A.Colagrossi, A.Di Mascio, ENG ANAL BOUND ELEM 106 (2019)
36. Slow dynamics for the hyperbolic Cahn--Hilliard equation in one space dimension, with R.Folino, C.Lattanzio, MATH METHOD APPL SCI 42 (2019)
35. Kinetic schemes for assessing stability of traveling fronts for the Allen-Cahn equation with relaxation, with C.Lattanzio, R.Plaza, C.Simeoni, APPL NUMER MATH 141 (2019)
34. $L^p$-$L^q$ decay estimates for dissipative linear hyperbolic systems in 1D, with T.T.Nguyen, J DIFFER EQUATIONS 263 (2017)
33. Metastable dynamics for hyperbolic variations of Allen--Cahn equation, with R.Folino, C.Lattanzio, COMMUN MATH SCI 15 (2017)
32. Metastability for nonlinear convection-diffusion equations, with R.Folino, C.Lattanzio, M.Strani, NoDEA NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS APPL 24 (2017)
31. Analysis of a Mogi-type model describing surface deformations induced by a magma chamber embededded in an elastic half-space, with A.Aspri, E.Beretta, J EC POLYTECH MATH 4 (2017)
30. Analytical and numerical invesigation of traveling waves for an Allen--Cahn model with relaxation, with C.Lattanzio, R.Plaza, C.Simeoni, MATH MODELS METHODS APPL SCI 26 (2016)
29. Asymptotic expansion for harmonic functions in the half-space with a pressurized cavity, with A.Aspri, E.Beretta, MATH METHOD APPL SCI 39 (2016)
28. Exact representation of the asymptotic drift speed and diffusion matrix for a class of velocity-jump processes, J DIFFER EQUATIONS 160 (2016)
27. Twenty-eight years with ``Hyperbolic Conservation Laws with Relaxation'', ACTA MATH SCI 35 (2015)
26. Stability analysis for linear heat conduction with memory kernels described by Gamma functions, DISCRETE CONTIN DYN SYST 35 (2015)
25. Metastability for scalar conservation laws in a bounded domain, with M.Strani, SIAM J MATH ANAL 45 (2013)
24. Small, medium and large shock waves for non-equilibrium radiation hydrodynamics, PHYS D 245 (2013)
Numerical exploration of a forward-backward diffusion equation, with P.Lafitte, MATH MODELS METHODS APPL SCI 22 (2012)
On relaxation hyperbolic systems violating the Shizuta--Kawashima condition, with R.Natalini, ARCH RATION MECH AN 195 (2010)
21. Stability of scalar radiative shock profiles, with C.Lattanzio, T.Nguyen, R.G.Plaza, K.Zumbrun, SIAM J MATH ANAL 41 (2009)
20. Stability of constant states and qualitative behavior of solutions to a one dimensional hyperbolic model for chemotaxis, with F.R.Guarguaglini, R.Natalini, M.Ribot, DISCRETE CONTIN DYN SYST SER B 12 (2009)
19. Two-phase entropy solutions of a forward-backward parabolic equation, with A.Terracina, A.Tesei, ARCH RATION MECH AN 194 (2009)
18. Spectral stability of weak relaxation shock profiles, with K.Zumbrun, COMM PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 34 (2009)
17. Front speeds in the vanishing diffusion limit for reaction-diffusion-convection equations, with E.C.M.Crooks, DIFFERENTIAL INTEGRAL EQUATIONS 20 (2007)
16. Shock waves for radiative hyperbolic-elliptic systems, with C.Lattanzio, D.Serre, INDIANA U MATH J 56 (2007)
15. Qualitative behaviour for one-dimensional strongly degenerate parabolic problems, with A.Porretta, A.Terracina, INTERFACE FREE BOUND 8 (2006)
14. Stability of large-amplitude shock profiles of general relaxation systems , with K.Zumbrun, SIAM J MATH ANAL 37 (2005)
13. Front formation and motion in quasilinear parabolic equations, with J.Haerterich,
J MATH ANAL APPL 307 (2005)

12. Stability of large amplitude viscous shock profiles of hyperbolic-parabolic systems, with K.Zumbrun, ARCH RATION MECH AN 172 (2004)
11. Stability of viscous shock profiles for dissipative symmetric hyperbolic-parabolic systems, with K.Zumbrun, COMM PURE APPL MATH 52 (2004)
10. Pointwise Green's function bounds for shock profiles with degenerate viscosity, with K.Zumbrun, ARCH RATION MECH AN 169(3) (2003)
09. Pointwise Green's function bounds and stability of relaxation shocks, with K.Zumbrun, INDIANA U MATH J 51 (2002)
08. Nonhomogeneous Dirichlet problems for degenerate parabolic-hyperbolic equations, with A.Porretta, A.Terracina, ARCH RATION MECH AN 163 (2002)
07. First order singular perturbations of quasilinear nonconvex type, J DIFFER EQUATIONS 181 (2002)
06. Qualitative behavior of conservation Laws with reaction term and nonconvex flux, QUART APPL MATH 58 (2000)
05. Large-time behavior for conservation laws with source in a bounded domain, with A.Terracina, J DIFFER EQUATIONS 159 (1999)
04. Continuity in finite time of entropy solutions for nonconvex conservation laws with reaction term, COMM PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 23 (1998)
03. The perturbed Riemann problem for a balance law, with C.Sinestrari, ADV DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 2 (1997)
02. Travelling wave solutions for a balance law, PROC ROY SOC EDINBURGH SECT A 127 (1997)
01. L^1 Nonlinear Stability of Travelling Waves for a Hyperbolic System with Relaxation, with R.Natalini, J DIFFER EQUATIONS 132 (1996)
Proceedings and others
13. Systems biology approach and mathematical modeling for analyzing phase-space switch during epithelial-mesenchymal transition, with C.Simeoni, S.Dinicola, A.Cucina, M.Bizzarri, METHODS MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 1702 (2018) 95-123
12. $L^p$-$L^q$ decay estimates for dissipative linear hyperbolic systems in 1D, with T.T.Nguyen in "Hyperbolic problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications" C.Klingenberg, M.Westdickenberg (Eds.) 2016
11. Metastability for scalar conservation laws in a bounded domain, with M.Strani ESAIM PROC SURVEYS 45 (2014)
10. Study of a transition phase model of nonlinear diffusion type, with P.Lafitte, Equations aux derivees partielles et leurs applications, Actes du colloque Edp-Normandie. Caen 2013, FNM Federation Normandie Mathematiques (2014)
09. A dive into shallow water, RIV MATH UNIV PARMA (NS) 1 (2010)
08. Stability and instability issues for relaxation shock profiles, in "Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications", Benzoni-Gavage, Sylvie; Serre, Denis (Eds.) 2008.
07. Nonlinear hyperbolic-elliptic coupled systems arising in radiation dynamics, with C.Lattanzio, D.Serre, in "Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications", S.Benzoni-Gavage, D.Serre (Eds.) 2008
06. Transition between stable phases in forward-backward parabolic equations, with A.Terracina and A.Tesei, in "Asymptotic analysis and singularities - elliptic and parabolic PDEs and related problems", 451--478, ADV STUD PURE MATH 47-2, Math. Soc. Japan, Tokyo, 2007
05. Asymptotic stability of steady-states for Saint-Venant equations with real viscosity, with F.Rousset, in "Analysis and simulation of fluid dynamics", 155-162, ADV MATH FLUID MECH, Birkhauser, Basel, 2007
04. One-dimensional stability of viscous shock and relaxation profiles, with K.Zumbrun, in "Hyperbolic problems: theory, numerics, applications", 727-733, Springer, Berlin, 2003
03. Onde viaggianti ed equazioni di reazione-convezione (in italian),
Boll. U.M.I. (8) 2-A Suppl. (1999)

02. Onde viaggianti ed equazioni di reazione-convezione (in italian), PhD Thesis (1997)
01. Stabilita' asintotica di onde di shock per leggi di conservazione perturbate singolarmente, ANN UNIV FERRARA SEZ VII SCI MAT, Suppl. 41 (1996)