Lieven Le Bruyn
"Smooth Orders over Surfaces"
Claudio's paper "A formal inverse to the Cayley-Hamilton equation"
allows us to define 'smooth' orders in central simple algebras in a
sensible way. I will consider the question whether there is an order-
version of desingularization, that is, does every central simple algebra
(over the functionfield of a projective variety) contain a smooth order?
I will show that this cannot be the case, even over surfaces. On the
positive side I will show that any central simple algebra over the
of a surface contains an order having at most finitely many (noncommutative)
singularities, all locally of quantum-plane type.
The proof uses an etale local structure-result on smooth orders (in arbitrary
dimension) and results of M. Artin on maximal orders over surfaces.
If time allows it, I will also describe the fibers of the corresponding
Brauer-Severi varieties.