International Conference
Roma, 7-9 June 2004
Scientific Committee:
E. Arbarello, P.V. Ceccherini, C. de Concini, D. Ghinelli, S. Marchiafava,
P. Maroscia, C. Procesi, E. Vesentini.
Local Organizers:
P.V. Ceccherini, D.A. Gewurz, D. Ghinelli, S. Marchiafava, F. Merola.
NEW! Vintage photos from a conference in
1965 and a conference in 1970, with
Segre and other well-known people.
Here are some photos from this conference.
Click here for the Conference
Programme and here for the ABSTRACTS OF THE TALKS.
Click here to read the second announcement.
Click here to read the first
announcement [21 January 2004].
Here you can find information (about
accommodation, how-to-reach, social programme etc.). Click here for a list of participants.
- Marcel BERGER (IHÉS, Bures-sur-Yvette, France)
Introducing dynamics in elementary geometry: introduction to some work
of Richard Schwartz
- Peter J. CAMERON (Queen Mary, University of London, London,
Finite geometry and permutation groups: some polynomial links
- John H. CONWAY (Princeton University, USA)
Some things you can't hear the shape of
- Phillip GRIFFITHS (IAS, Princeton, USA)
Algebraic cycles and singularities of normal functions
- Mikhael GROMOV (IHÉS, Bures-sur-Yvette, France)
Geometry of infinite Cartesian powers and related spaces
- James W.P. HIRSCHFELD (University of Sussex, Brighton, UK)
The number of points on a curve, and applications
- Dieter JUNGNICKEL (Universität Augsburg, Augsburg,
Some geometric aspects of Abelian groups
- Gábor KORCHMÁROS (Università della
Basilicata, Potenza, Italy)
Segre-type theorems in finite geometry
- Yuri I. MANIN (Max Planck Institute of Mathematics, Bonn,
Manifolds with multiplication in tangent bundle
- Edoardo SERNESI (Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Roma,
Segre's work on curves and their moduli
- Nicholas I. SHEPHERD-BARRON (University of Cambridge,
Cambridge, UK)
Cubic surfaces and rationality
- Joseph A. THAS (Universiteit Gent, Gent, Belgium)
Finite geometries: classical problems and recent developments
- Gudlaugur THORBERGSSON (Universität zu Köln,
Köln, Germany)
Transformation groups and submanifold geometry
- Giuseppe TOMASSINI (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy)
Extension problems in complex geometry
- Edoardo VESENTINI (Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Italy)
Beniamino Segre and Italian geometry
- Joseph ZAKS (University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel)
Geometric graphs and the Beckman-Quarles Theorem
The conference will take place at the Accademia Nazionale dei
Lincei (7 June) and at the Mathematics
Department of the University of Rome
``La Sapienza'' (8-9 June).
Università di Roma `La Sapienza': Dipartimento di Matematica `G.
Castelnuovo', Dipartimento di Metodi e Modelli Matematici, COFIN:
Geometria delle varietà differenziabili, COFIN: Gruppi, Grafi e
Geometrie, COFIN: Spazi di moduli e teorie di Lie -
Centro Linceo Interdisciplinare `Beniamino Segre' dell'Accademia
Nazionale dei Lincei -
GNSAGA (Gruppo Nazionale per le Strutture Algebriche, Geometriche e
le loro Applicazioni) dell'INdAM (Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica
For further information, please contact:
email: segre2004@mat.uniroma1.it