INdAM - Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica Francesco Severi
The workshop is part of a new series sponsored by
general aim of proposing to a selected audience of young researchers the state of the
art in active and high impact areas of mathematics.
The goal is to present in a complete way some recent advances in the
theory of homogenization with emphasis to random environments, as well as to
promote informal discussions among the participants.
The workshop consists of some mini-courses and a number of short
The mini-courses will be delivered by
M. Bardi (Padova),
A. Braides (Roma Tor Vergata),
L. Caffarelli (Austin),
P.-L. Lions (Collège de France),
P. Souganidis (Austin).
We plan also to schedule a number of 20 minutes seminars by the participants who are invited to submit a proposal together with a short abstract.
Click here for the final schedule.
For the accomodation in Rome we have selected the following Hotels in the Campus Area and in the Downtown Area. Other possibilities are
Click here to see a map.
The Scientific Coordinators
Italo Capuzzo Dolcetta
Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
Panagiotis Souganidis
University of Texas at Austin
Tuesday, 03-May-2005 18:39:54 CEST