Organizing committee:
Project Cofin2003: Spazi di Moduli e Teoria di Lie,
project cofin2004: Varietà Algebriche
Dipartimento di Matematica, Università "La Sapienza"
INdAM: Istituto Nazionale di Alta
F. Andreatta (Padova)
G. Bini (Milano)
S. Böcherer ( Mannheim)
M. Bolognesi (Montpellier)
H. Shiga
F. Chiera (Roma)
A. Perucca (Roma)
D. Doud (Provo)
V. Gritsenko (Lille)
S. Grushevsky (Princeton)
E. Freitag (Heidelberg)
A. Krieg (Aachen)
J. Kramer(Berlin)
R. Schultze-Pillot (Saarland)
Y. Hironaka (Waseda)
A. Paulin (Imperial)
N. Scheithauer (Heidelberg)
N. Skoruppa (Siegen)
J. Funke (New Mexico)
K. Hulek (Hannover)
T. Ibukiyama (Osaka)
R. de Jong ( Leiden)
L. Kilford (Oxford)
I. Kloecker (Aachen)
W. Kohnen (Heidelberg)
S. Kondo (Nagoya)
E. Looijenga (Utrecht)
S. Mayer ( Aachen)
T. Okazaki (Osaka)
D. Pollack (Middletown)
G.K. Sankaran (Bath)
R. Schmidt (Oklahoma)
M. Schuett ( Hannover)
N.I. Shepherd-Barron (Cambridge, UK)
A.M. Uludag (Bursa)
B. Heim ( Mannheim)
Y. Varshavsky
D. Whitehouse (Caltech)
Monday Morning:
9:30-9:45 Registration and Welcome address
9:45-10:35 Shepherd-Barron: Some canonical compactifications of $A_g$.
10:35-11:00 Break,
11:00-11:50 Looijenga:Geometry and moduli connected with Calogero-Moser systems
12:00-12:50 Hulek: Construction of higher-dimensional (modular) Calabi-Yau varieties
Monday Afternoon:
15:00-15:50 Krieg, : Graded Rings of Modular Forms of Genus 2
16:00-16:50 Funke : A singular theta lift and the construction of Green currents for unitary groups
16:50-17:20 Break
17:20-18:10 Skoruppa: Periods of CM-modular forms
Tuesday Morning:
9:30-10:20 Freitag : Modular forms for the even unimodular lattice of signature (2,10)
10:20-10:50 Break
10:50-11:40 Kondo: The moduli of 8 points on $P^1$, K3 surfaces and automorphic forms
11:50 - 12:40 Kramer: Estimating invariants arising from Arakelov
Tuesday Afternoon:
15:00-15:50 Schmidt: Local Newforms for GSp(4)
16:00-16:50 Schulze-Pillot: Basis problem for Siegel Eisenstein series and matching principle
16:50-17:20 Break
17:20-18:10 Okazaki: On conjecture of R. Salvati Manni and J. Top and that of B. Geemen and D.Straten.
More information will be added when available.
The workshop will be held
at the INdAM-institute which is situated on the campus of the
Università di Roma "La Sapienza" in Rome.
Here is a
map, and here is
of the campus.