Proper orthogonal decomposition based optimal control of partial differential equations
Prof. Karl Kunisch (Univ. di Graz)
Roma, 24-26 Gennaio, 2006
For large scale optimal control problems related, for example, to
coupled systems involving fluids interacting with its environment, model reduction
techniques may, be essential to arrive at computationally tractable problems. For
certain classes of problems it was experienced that models of quite
low dimension can provide suprisingly good approximations.
In this series of lectures the basis for
proper orthogonal decomposition
(POD) for model reduction will be derived. POD will be compared to other
model reduction techniques, most notably to balanced trunction, a
well-known method for reduction of linear systems.
The construction principle for the POD basis from snap-shots and from
alternative numerical methods will be explained. Galerkin schemes based
on POD basis will be derived and their approximation properties will be analysed.
The use of POD model reduction for both, open and closed loop
parabolic optimal control problems will be described, computational and
practical features will be high-ligthed. A recent development, OSPOD (optimality system POD)
will be presented.
It was introduced to overcome potential difficulties related to
unmodelled dynamics in the POD approach to optimal control. The combination
of POD with trust region methods as a
means of deciding when to update the POD basis will be discussed.
Examples from optimal control related to the Burgers and Navier Stokes
equations will be demonstrate the effecivity of the methods.
Orario del Corso
Le lezioni svolgeranno presso il
Dipartimento di Matematica, Università
di Roma "La Sapienza", P. Aldo Moro 2 secondo il seguente orario:
Martedì | 24 Gennaio, | 14.30-16.30 | Aula Picone |
Mercoledì | 25 Gennaio, | 10.00-12.00 | Aula del Consiglio |
Giovedì | 26 Gennaio, | 10.00-12.00 | Aula del Consiglio |
Le persone interessate sono invitate a registrarsi inviando un mail a entro il 15 Gennaio.
Thursday, 19-Jan-2006 12:48:18 CET