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Diffusione della Matematica: come e perchè
Roma, 28-29 Novembre, 2008
Quantum Spacetime and Noncommutative Geometry
Roma, 29 Settembre - 4 Ottobre, 2008
GLAM Global Analysis on Manifolds
Roma, 8-10 Settembre, 2008
Viscosity, metric and control theoretic methods in nonlinear PDEs:
analysis, approximations, applications
Roma, 3-5 Settembre, 2008
Nonlinear PDEs
Roma, 1-2 Settembre, 2008
INdAM International Workshop "Analysis, PDE's and Applications"
on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Vladimir Maz'ya,
Roma, 30 Giugno - 3 Luglio, 2008
Meeting in Applied Mathematics and Calculus of Variations
Roma, 9-11 Giugno, 2008
MATHKNOW08, Mathematics Applied Sciences and Real Life
Milano, 22-24 Maggio, 2008
PDE, Sobolev spaces and continuity
(manifesto, programma)
Roma, 21-23 Aprile 2008, Aula INDAM
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Wednesday, 21-Jan-2009 12:48:39 CET