The aim of the meeting is to discuss the status, the perspectives and the applications of weak KAM theory including Hamiltonian dynamics, Hamilton--Jacobi equations, homogenisation problems, stabilization problems, ergodic theory, mass transport.
This is one of the periodic gathering focused on Weak KAM theory and related fields, the first taking place in Italy. Previous conferences have been held in Bordeaux in 2008, in Nice and in Luminy in 2009 and in Calvi in 2010. Further events in the same stream have been programmed in Fouesnant in July and in Bordeaux in December 2011.
The conference will take place at the Palazzone in the historical village of Cortona in Toscany.
There will be three cycles of lectures, of four hours each, held by
In addition, short talks sessions will be organized to give participants the opportunity of presenting his/her research.
Beside this, informal discussions and exchanges of ideas among attendees are regarded as one of the main aim of the meeting, and it can easily expected that the Palazzone will provide a charming and favorable frame for these activities.
According to INDAM policy, the meeting is primarily intended for invited researchers. However there are limited places still available for participation. Interested people are invited to contact Antonio Siconolfi .