A view from the garden of Villa Rufolo
"New Trends in Optimal Control"
RAVELLO, September, 3-7, 2012
Biblioteca Francescana
Pdf files of the workshop poster session
Andrei A. Ardentov:
Exponential mapping for the sub-Riemannian problem on the Engel group
Laetitia Giraldi:
Influence of boundary on the motility of micro-swimmers
Robert J. Kipka:
Extension of Chronological Calculus for Dynamical Systems on Manifolds
Alexey P. Mashtakov:
Motion Planning Problem for some Control Systems Applied in Robotics
Nguyen Van Luong:
Non-Lipschitz points and the SBV regularity of the minimum time function
Laurent Pfeiffer:
Sensitivity analysis for relaxed optimal control problems with final-state constraints
F. J. Silva:
A semi-Lagrangian scheme for a first order Mean Field Game problem
Magdalena Six:
Unexpected Effects of Endogenous Discount Rates of Global Warming Policies
Vinh Nguyen:
Large time behavior of weakly coupled systems of first-order Hamilton-Jacobi equations
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Monday, 01-Oct-2012 08:51:44 CEST