A view from the garden of Villa Rufolo
"New Trends in Optimal Control"
RAVELLO, September, 3-7, 2012
Biblioteca Francescana
Pdf files of the workshop talks
Fabio Camilli:
The vanishing viscosity limit for Hamilton-Jacobi equations on networks
Monica Motta:
On exit times and infinite horizon problems with a vanishing lagrangian
Hans J. PESCH:
An introduction to optimal control problems for PDEs with real life applications
Antonio Siconolfi:
Control problems in stratified structures
Pierpaolo SORAVIA:
Noncoercive Hamiltonians, absolute minimizers and Aronsson equation
Daniela TONON:
Inward pointing trajectories, Lavrentieff phenomenon and normality of the Maximum principle for Bolza problem under state constraints
Delfim F.M. TORRES:
The fractional optimal control
Richard VINTER:
Properties of optimal trajectories that are not also relaxed optimal trajectories
Mario ZANON:
Fast Model Predictive control and moving horizon estimation for Tethered planes
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Monday, 08-Oct-2012 16:17:14 CEST