Numerical methods for PDEs:
optimal control, games and image processing
Rome, December 4-5, 2014
Conference on the occasion of Maurizio Falcone's 60th birthday
Pdf files of the talks
Alessandro Alla
On the coupling between MPC and DP methods for optimal control problems
Martino Bardi
A Dijkstra-type algorithm for dynamic games
Isabeau Birindelli
A variational approach to fully nonlinear operators
Olivier Bokanowski
A high order numerical method for a nonlinear diffusion + obstacle equation
Luca Bonaventura
A domain decomposition approach to exponential time integration of PDEs
Fabio Camilli
Eikonal equations on the Sierpinski gasket
Italo Capuzzo Dolcetta
Semidiscrete and finite differences approximation of mean field games
Jean-Denis Durou
Photometric stereo: A photographic technique for 3D-scanning
Roberto Ferretti
Some issues in the semi-Lagrangian treatment of second-order balance laws
Adriano Festa
Independent sub-domains reconstruction and parallel computing
Stefano Finzi Vita
Similarity solutions for the silo filling problem in granular matter theory: a numerical study
Tiziana Giorgi
Field-induced smectic phases in liquid crystals
Lars Grüne
Stabilization with discounted optimal control
Nicola Guglielmi
Most unstable switching laws for switched linear systems
Dante Kalise
Local optimization in semi-Lagrangian schemes for Hamilton-Jacobi equations
Roberto Mecca
A Different(ial) Approach to the Photometric Stereo Problem
Athena Picarelli
State-constrained stochastic optimal control problems via reachability approach
Franco Rampazzo
Costly asymptotic controllability (Si ad metam gratuitus non est accesus)
Giovanni Russo
Semilagrangian schemes for kinetic equations
Smita Sahu
An efficient fitered scheme for some first order Hamilton-Jacobi Bellman equations
Antonio Siconolfi
Weak KAM techniques for singularly perturbed control problems
Silvia Tozza
A unified approach to Shape-from-Shading models for non-Lambertian surfaces
Hasnaa Zidani
Optimal control problems on generalized networks
List of participants