"Numerical methods for optimal control problems: algorithms, analysis and applications"

Pdf files of the talks

Marianne Akian Probabilistic max-plus schemes for solving Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations
Olivier Bokanowski Payload optimization for a multi-stage launcher SSO mission using the HJB approach
Alfio Borzí On the solution of some PDE control problems in the framework of the Pontryagin's maximum principle
Simone Cacace Direct numerical solution of cell problems in homogenization of HJ equations via generalized Newton's method for inconsistent nonlinear systems
Italo Capuzzo Dolcetta The principal eigenvalue for non-variational operators
Emiliano Cristiani A multiscale method for reducing the complexity of (controlled) large multi-agent systems
Michel C. Delfour One sided minimax differentianility for the computation of control, shape, and topological derivatives
Peter M. Dower Max-plus fundamental solution semigroups for optimal control
Timm Faulwasser Receding-horizon optimal control with economic objectives - practical and asymptotic convergence
Stephane Gaubert Noncommutative aspects of dynamic programming
Matthias Gerdts Approaches for bilevel optimal control problems
Nicola Guglielmi Matrix stabilization using differential equations.
Colin Jones Performance Verification and Optimal Synthesis of Optimization-based Controllers
Wei Kang Some Examples of Sparse Grid Characteristics Method for Optimal Control and HJB Equations
Arthur J. Krener Moving Horizon Estimation and Minimum Energy Estimation
Karl Kunisch Taylor expansions for the HJB equation associated with a bilinear control problem
W.M. McEneaney Stationary Action for Fundamental Solution of TPBVPs
Ian M. Mitchell Scalable Calculation of Reach Sets
Matthias A. Müller Economic model predictive control: closed-loop optimality and distributed implementation
V. Simoncini Order reduction numerical methods for the algebraic Riccati equation

Contributed Talks
Fabio Durastante Fractional PDEs Constrained Optimization: an optimize-then-discretize approach with L-BFGS and Approximate Inverse Preconditioning
Adriano Festa A Hybrid control approach to Optimal Routing for Sailing Boats.
Arthur Fleig On Model Predictive Control for the Fokker-Planck Equation
Luca Mechelli POD-Based Model Predictive Control with control and state constraints
Athena Picarelli Some stability properties for a BDF2-type scheme for parabolic equations
Simon Pirkelmann On economic model predictive control for time-varying systems
Andreas Schmidt Reduced Basis Method for Parametric H2-Optimal Control Problems

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