Algebraic transformation groups: the mathematical legacy of Domingo Luna, Rome 2019, Schedule


9:00-10:00, Claudio Procesi, Trace identities and a Luna stratification
coffee break
10:30-11:30, Roman Avdeev, Combinatorial invariants of spherical subgroups: computational aspects
11:45-12:45, Jacopo Gandini, Nipotent orbits of height 2 and involutions in the affine Weyl group

14:45-15:45, Friedrich Knop, (Quasi-)Hamiltonian manifolds of cohomogeneity one
coffee break
16:15-17:15, Hanspeter Kraft, Invariant Subsets, First Integrals, and Endomorphisms


9:00-10:00, Lucy Moser-Jauslin, Real structures of horospherical and symmetric varieties
coffee break
10:30-11:30, Stéphanie Cupit-Foutou, Gromov-width of wonderful manifolds
11:45-12:45, Peter Heinzner, Equivariant embeddings of Cauchy-Riemann manifolds

14:45-15:45, Surveys of Luna's work
15:45-16:45, Poster session (with coffee)


9:00-10:00, Valentina Kiritchenko, Newton-Okounkov polytopes of flag varieties for classical groups
coffee break
10:30-11:30, Daniel Greb, Moduli of sheaves that are semistable with respect to a Kähler polarisation
11:45-12:45, Jochen Heinloth, Existence of good moduli spaces for algebraic stacks and applications

15:15-15:45, coffee break
15:45:16:45, Jarod Alper, Evolution of Luna's etale slice theorem

Last modified Oct 28, 2019 - pb