Due giorni di Algebra Lineare Numerica - Programma


Sede dell’Incontro sarà iI Dipartimento di Matematica ``Guido Castelnuovo’’ - SAPIENZA Università di Roma.  I lavori si svolgeranno in Aula V, al secondo piano del Dipartimento. Coffee break e pranzi avranno luogo nei locali dell’Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica (INdAM), al primo piano del Dipartimento.



8:30            Registrazione (presso l’ingresso dell’Aula V)

9:00            Apertura

9:10            Antonio Cicone, Nonstationary signals decomposition: an overview on the state of the art, current applications and possible future directions of research

9:35            Patricia Díaz de Alba, Linear and nonlinear models for EMI data inversion

10:00          Anna Concas, Photometric Stereo under unknown lights position

10:25          Domitilla Brandoni, Tensor techniques for image recognition

10:50          Coffee Break (all’INdAM)

11:20          Federica Pes, Regularization methods for nonlinear ill-posed problems

11:45          Lothar Reichel, Arnoldi decomposition, GMRES, and preconditioning for linear discrete ill-posed problems

12:10          Ivan Gerace, An Edge-Preserving Regularization Model for the Demosaicing of Noisy Color Images

12:35          Valentina Giorgetti, A Blind Source Separation Technique for Document Restoration

13:00          Pranzo (all’INdAM)

14:15          Pietro Dell'Acqua, New boundary conditions for fast and accurate deblurring models

14:40          Noe Caruso, On Krylov solutions to infinite-dimensional inverse linear problems

15:05          Bruno Carpentieri, Spectrally preconditioned and initially deflated variants of the block GMRES method for the simultaneous solution of multiple right-hand sides linear systems

15:30          Mariarosa Mazza, Spectral properties of flipped Toeplitz matrices and related preconditioning

15:55          Coffee Break (all’INdAM)

16:25          Mattia Tani, Space-time isogeometric preconditioners for parabolic problems

16:50          Fabio Durastante, Some fast algorithms for the large structured linear systems of FPDEs

17:15          Ken Trotti, Anisotropic multigrid preconditioners for space-fractional diffusion equations

17:40          Carlo Janna, Solving large size linear systems of equations on modern high-performance computers

18:05          Matteo Frigo, A Relaxed Physical Factorization Preconditioner for Mixed Finite Element Coupled Poromechanics

 20:30           Cena sociale (presso il ristorante ‘Pommidoro’, piazza dei Sanniti 44/46)



9:10            Michela Redivo-Zaglia, Shanks' transformations, Anderson acceleration, and applications to systems of equations

  9:35            Stefano Cipolla, Extrapolation Methods for Data Science

10:00          Dario Fasino, So, what is the Random Walk Centrality?

10:25          Pasqua D'Ambra, Bootstrap AMG in spectral clustering

10:50          Coffee Break (all’INdAM)

11:20          Gian Maria Negri Porzio, A contour integral approach for the solution of nonlinear eigenvalue problems

11:45          Matteo Ronchetti, IKA: Independent Kernel Approximator

12:10          Paola Ferrari, The eigenvalue distribution of special 2-by-2 block matrix-sequences with applications to the case of symmetrized Toeplitz structures

12:35          Monica Dessole, Solving ABD systems on GPUs

13:00          Pranzo (all’INdAM)

14:15          Lucia Romani, Even-symmetric interpolatory subdivision schemes: a constructive algebraic strategy

14:40          Rafael Díaz Fuentes, Interpolation of points and tangent directions by linear approximating subdivision schemes

15:05          Stefano Massei, Low-rank updates and divide-and-conquer methods for quadratic matrix equations

15:30          Alice Cortinovis, On maximum volume submatrices and cross approximation

15:55          Coffee Break offerto da ADALTA (all’INdAM)

16:25          Nicola Mastronardi, On computing the Jordan structure of Totally Nonnegative Matrices with high relative accuracy

16:50          Leonardo Robol, Distance from rank-structured matrices

17:15          Davide Palitta, The projected Newton-Kleinman method for the algebraic Riccati equation

17:40          Antonio Fazzi, Computing approximate common factors of matrix polynomials

18:05          Stefano Maset, Relative error analysis of matrix exponential approximations for numerical integration

18:30          Chiusura