Giornate INdAM di Teoria dei Numeri
Due giorni di seminari in Teoria dei Numeri||Roma, 14-15 dicembre 2023|Rome, December 14-15, 2023
50 years of Mountain Pass Theorem
A conference to celebrate the theorem and its authors||SISSA Trieste, 23-25 novembre 2023|SISSA Trieste, November 23-25, 2023
Clay Research Conference
About Entropy in Large Classical Particle Systems||Oxford, settembre 2023|Oxford, September 2023
International Doctoral Summer School in Conformal Geometry and non-local Operators||IMAG - Granada (Spagna), 19-30 giugno 2023|IMAG - Granada (Spain), June 19-30, 2023
Interactions between Mathematics and Physics
Alias: Vittorio Gatti. An event in honor of Victor G. Kac|/~desole/2023-convegno-victor/|Roma, 29 maggio - 1 giugno, 2023|Rome, May 29 - June 1, 2023
Nonlinear partial differential equations: theory, numerics and applications
in memory of Maurizio Falcone|/ricerca/convegni/2023/npdeTNA|Roma, 24-26 maggio 2023|Rome, May 24-26, 2023
First order problem on networks and applications
in memory of Maurizio Falcone|/ricerca/convegni/2023/mf|Roma, 18-20 gennaio 2023|Rome, January 28-20, 2023