Corigliano al tramonto, photo by Maurizio
Pdf files of the talks
Yves Achdou
A short-term model for the oil industry addressing commercial storage
Alessandro Alla
Online identification and control of PDEs via Reinforcement Learning methods
Martino Bardi
PDE and control methods for global optimization in deep neural networks
Simone Cacace
Numerical solution of optimal control problems on stratified domains
Piermarco Cannarsa
Aubry-Mather theory for sub-Riemannian control systems
Emiliano Cristiani
Detecting congestion and forecasting boundary conditions: How Machine Learning techniques can improve differential traffic models
Andrea Davini
On the vanishing discount approximation for compactly supported perturbations of periodic Hamiltonians
Jean-Denis Durou
Photographic 3D-reconstruction: A Tour
Adriano Festa
A system of of Hamilton-Jacobi equations characterizing geodesic centroidal tessellations
Diogo Gomes
Machine Learning architectures for price formation models with common noise
Lars Grüne
Decaying sensitivity and separable optimal value functions
Dante Kalise
Learning high-dimensional feedback laws for collective dynamics control
Shigeaki Koike
ABP maximum principle with upper contact sets
Fabiana Leoni
Principal eigenvalues and related eigenfunctions for fully nonlinear equations in punctured balls
Pierre Louis Lions
Large random matrices and PDE's
Piero Marcati
Quantum fluids and their appplications
Roberto Natalini
Multiscale models of cell movements and their numerical approximation
Michele Palladino
Optimal Control and Reinforcement Learning
Athena Picarelli
A semi-Lagrangian scheme for a Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation arising in stochastic exit time control problems
Giovanni Russo
Semilagrangian-spectral methods for the Boltzmann equation of rarefied gas dynamics
Luca Saluzzi
A statistical POD approach for feedback boundary optimal control in fluid dynamics
Antonio Siconolfi
Homogenization of Hamilton-Jacobi equations on networks
Silvia Tozza
A trip into Image Processing with Maurizio
Hasnaa Zidani
Hamilton-Jacobi equations in some metric spaces
List of participants
to remember Maurizio
Maurizio's Photo gallery