Algebra and geometry seminar



Abstracts 2019/2020



25 September 2019

Paolo Cascini (Imperial College)

Geometria birazionale delle foliazioni su varietà di dimensione 3


Lo scopo del seminario è descrivere alcuni risultati recenti sulla geometria birazionale delle foliazioni su varietà complesse di dimensione 3, e in particolare sull'esistenza di un modello minimale. In collaborazione con C. Spicer.



2 October 2019

Frank Loray (Rennes)

Neighborhoods of curves in complex surfaces


In this talk, we consider a complete complex smooth curve C (compact Riemann surface) with an embedding into a smooth complex surface S and we want to understand the structure of the germ of surface (S,C) near the image of the curve. After surveying on old results, we focus on the case of elliptic curve with trivial normal bundle. With O. Thom and F. Touzet, we recently completed the formal

classification of such germs of neighborhood. In a work in progress, we investigate the analytic classification, with F. Touzet and S. M. Voronin.



9 October 2019

Alek Vainshtein (Haifa)

Plethora of cluster structures on GLn


I will explain our recent results in the study of multiple cluster structures in the rings of regular functions on GLn, SLn and Matn that are compatible with Poisson-Lie and Poisson-homogeneous structures. All possible An type Belavin-Drinfeld (BD) data will be subdivided into oriented and non-oriented kinds. In the oriented case, one can single out BD data satisfying a certain combinatorial condition called aperiodicity.

Our main result claims that for any BD data of this kind there exists a regular cluster structure compatible with the corresponding Poisson–Lie bracket. In fact, we extend the aperiodicity condition to pairs of oriented BD data and prove a more general result that establishes an existence of a regular cluster structure on SLn compatible with a Poisson bracket homogeneous with respect to the right and left action of two copies of SLn equipped with two different Poisson-Lie brackets. In all the cases, the corresponding upper cluster algebra is isomorphic to the ring of regular functions. If the aperiodicity condition is not satisfied, a compatible cluster structure has to be replaced with a generalized cluster structure.

(Based on a joint work with M. Gekhtman and M. Shapiro).



16 October 2019

Jacopo Stoppa (SISSA)

Deformed Hermitian Yang-Mills connections, extended gauge group and scalar curvature


I will discuss joint work in progress with Enrico Schlitzer (SISSA).

We introduce a new system of partial differential equations that describe special metrics on pairs formed by a Kähler manifold together with a line bundle, thought of as an object in the derived category. These comprise the deformed Hermitian Yang-Mills equations of Leung-Yau-Zaslow, and specialise to the Kähler Yang-Mills equations of Alvarez-Consul, Garcia-Fernandez and Garcia-Prada in the large radius limit.

The first part of the talk will be devoted to geometric motivation, in particular through a moment map interpretation.

The second part will be more analytic and will focus on abelian varieties, following ideas of Feng-Szekelyhidi.



30 October 2019

Jean-Benoît Bost (Paris-Sud)

Transcendence proofs and theta invariants of infinite-dimensional Euclidean lattices


I will explain how some classical transcendence results, notably the theorem of Schneider-Lang, may be given « natural proofs », formally similar to diverse classical algebraization proofs in analytic and formal geometry, based on the consideration of infinite dimensional avatars of Euclidean lattices and of their theta invariants.



6 November 2019

Francesco Russo (Catania)

Razionalità di cubic fourfolds via Flop delle Trisecanti e superfici K3 (non minimali) associate


Una formulazione recente della congettura di Kuznetsov sulla razionalità dei cubic fourfolds specifica una quantità numerabile di divisori di discriminante d “ammissibile" (nel senso di Hassett) nello spazio dei moduli la cui unione dovrebbe descrivere esattamente il luogo dei cubic fourfolds razionali. I valori per cui la congettura risulta finora provata sono: d=14 (Fano), d=26,38 (insieme a Staglianò).

Tramite la costruzione del Flop delle Trisecanti e la teoria delle congruenze di curve secanti sveleremo il ruolo giocato dalle superfici K3 (non minimali) in varie questioni di razionalità di fourfolds di Fano.

Presenteremo poi  l’applicazione di questi nuovi metodi alla dimostrazione del caso d=42 della congettura e formuleremo alcune domande sui possibili sviluppi di queste idee.

Presentazione basata su lavori con Giovanni Staglianò.




13 November 2019

Piotr Pragacz (Polish Academy of Sciences)

Flag bundles, Segre polynomials, and push-forwards


We give Gysin formulas for all flag bundles of types A, B, C, D. The formulas (and also the proofs) involve only the Segre classes of the original vector bundles and characteristic classes of universal bundles. As an application we provide new determinantal formulas.

This is a joint work with Lionel Darondeau.




20 November 2019

Tommaso Pacini (Torino)

Extremal length in higher dimensions: a new family of holomorphic invariants\


The notion of extremal length, in the classical theory of one complex variable, provided a uniform method for building conformal invariants. These invariants then found a wide range of applications in the theory of conformal maps, Teichmüller theory, systolic geometry, etc.

Using intuition from submanifold geometry, calibrations and Calabi-Yau manifolds, we recently proposed a higher-dimensional analogue, cf.

I will survey the definition and some results, also trying to place this topic into a broader geometric context.




27 November 2019

Antonio J. Di Scala (Politecnico Torino)

Homogeneous Riemannian manifolds with non-trivial nullity


The goal of the talk is to explain the ideas and tools used to study the nullity distribution of the curvature tensor of a Riemannian homogeneous space.

The main results are stated in the paper written in collaboration with Carlos Olmos and Francisco Vittone.




4 December 2019

Margherita Lelli Chiesa (Roma Tre)

Genus two curves on Abelian surfaces


Let (S,L) be a general (d1,d2)-polarized abelian surfaces. The minimal geometric genus of any curve in the linear system |L| is two and there are finitely many curves of such genus. In analogy with Chen's results concerning rational curves on K3 surfaces, it is natural to ask whether all such curves are nodal. In the seminar I will prove that this holds true if and only if d2 is not divisible by 4. In the cases where d2 is a multiple of 4, I will construct curves in |L| having a triple, 4-tuple or 6-tuple point, and show that these are the only types of unnodal singularities a genus 2 curve in |L| may acquire.

This is joint work with A. L. Knutsen.




18 December 2019

Federico Pellarin (St Etienne)

Famiglie analitiche di forme modulari di Drinfeld


Le forme modulari di Drinfeld possono essere viste come una variante delle forme modulari classiche. Esse sono definite su un semipiano complesso 'di Drinfeld' e prendono valori in campi algebricamente chiusi e completi di caratteristica positiva. In questo seminario, dopo aver presentato gli aspetti elementari di questa teoria, abborderemo l'esistenza di famiglie di forme modulari di Drinfeld che sono analitiche rispetto alla valutazione all’infinito (di peso invariante e di livello variabile). In compatibilità col tempo a disposizione, concluderemo con qualche speculazione sull’esistenza di simili strutture nel caso complesso.



8 January 2020

Daniel Labardini-Fragoso (Autónoma Mexico)

Algebraic and combinatorial decompositions of Fuchsian groups


The discrete subgroups of PSL2(R) are often called 'Fuchsian groups'. For Fuchsian groups G whose action on the hyperbolic plane H is free, the orbit space H/G has a canonical structure of Riemann surface with a hyperbolic metric, whereas if the action of G is not free, then H/G has a structure of 'orbifold'. In the former case, there is a direct and very clear relation between G and the fundamental group p1(H/G,x): a theorem of the theory of covering spaces states that they are isomorphic. When the action of \Gamma is not free, the relation between G and p1(H/G,x) is subtler. A 1968 theorem of Armstrong states that there is a short exact sequence 1®E®G®p1(H/G,x)®1, where E is the subgroup of G generated by the elliptic elements. For G finitely generated, non-elementary and with at least one parabolic element, I will present full algebraic and combinatorial decompositions of G in terms of p1(H/G,x) and a specific finitely generated subgroup of E, thus improving Armstrong's theorem.

This talk is based on an ongoing joint project with Sibylle Schroll and Yadira Valdivieso-Díaz that aims at describing the bounded derived categories of skew-gentle algebras in terms of curves on surfaces with orbifold points of order 2.



15 January 2020

Jorge Vitorio Pereira (IMPA)

Miyaoka's algebraicity criterion and variations


I will review some old and new results/arguments on the algebraicity of leaves of foliations with "positive" tangent sheaf.




29 January 2020

Gaëtan Borot (MPI Bonn)

Topological recursion(s) for Masur-Veech volumes


Statistics of the simple length spectrum of bordered hyperbolic surfaces define functions on the moduli space. Andersen, Orantin and myself showed recently that they satisfy a recursion on the Euler characteristic, which implies a topological recursion for their averages over the Weil-Petersson measure. This can be seen as a generalization of Mirzakhani's identity and her proof of a topological recursion for the Weil-Petersson voulmes.
We show how this result implies topological recursion (here taking the form of Virasoro constraints) for the Weil-Petersson averages of the asymptotic growth of the number of long curves. By invoking the relation between Weil-Petersson measure on the Teichmuller space, Thurston measure on the space of measured laminations, and Masur-Veech measure on the space of quadratic differentials, this gives a recursion to compute polynomials Pg,n(L1, ..., Ln) whose constant term are the Masur-Veech volumes of the principal stratum. This retrieves and generalizes a result of Delecroix et al. obtained via different (combinatorial) methods.
If time permits, I will present a second topological recursion computing different polynomials Rg,n(L1, ..., Ln) whose constant terms is the same Masur-Veech volume, and which is a consequence of an intersection-theoretic approach of Chen, Moeller and Sauvaget.
This is based on joint works with Jorgen Ellegaard Andersen, Severin Charbonnier, Vincent Delecroix, Alessandro Giacchetto, Danilo Lewanski, Campbell Wheeler.



5 February 2020 – Aula Picone

Paolo Piazza (Roma “Sapienza”)

Varietà singolari, generi superiori e operatori di Dirac


Il teorema di Atiyah-Singer esprime l'indice dei tre operatori geometrici fondamentali, e cioè l'operatore di segnatura, l'operatore spin-Dirac e l'operatore di Riemann-Roch su varietà complesse, in termini del genere L, del genere A-roof e del genere di Todd. E` possibile generalizzare ognuno di questi numeri ad una collezione di numeri, detti generi superiori, indicizzata dalle classi di coomologia del gruppo fondamentale della varietà in esame. Risultati profondi di Kasparov, Connes, Moscovici e molti altri connettono questi generi superiori, oggetti squisitamente geometrici, ad opportune classi di K-Teoria associate ai relativi operatori e questa connessione è cruciale dello studio delle proprietà di stabilità dei generi superiori. Cosa di tutto questo può essere esteso a varietà singolari? In questo seminario darò una risposta (necessariamente parziale) a questa domanda; i risultati illustrati si basano su lavori in collaborazione con Albin-Leichtnam-Mazzeo, Botvinnik-Rosenberg, Bei.




12 February 2020

Francesco Meazzini (Roma Sapienza)

On the Kaledin-Lehn formality conjecture


Kaledin and Lehn conjectured that (the homotopy class of) the DG-Lie algebra of derived endomorphisms of any polystable sheaf on a K3 surface is formal. The relevance of the formality conjecture relies on its consequences concerning the geometry of the moduli space of semistable sheaves on the K3. The conjecture was recently proven after several contributions mainly due to Kaledin-Lehn themselves, Zhang, Yoshioka, Arbarello-Saccà, Budur-Zhang.

In this talk I will present a joint work with R. Bandiera and M. Manetti, where we introduce an alternative and more algebraic approach to the problem, eventually proving that the formality conjecture holds for polystable sheaves on any smooth minimal projective surface of Kodaira dimension 0.



19 February 2020

Daniele Agostini (Humboldt Universität)

On the Schottky problem for genus five Jacobians with a vanishing theta null


In this talk, I will present a solution to the weak Schottky problem for genus five Jacobians with a vanishing theta null, extending a result of Grushevsky and Salvati Manni in genus four. More precisely, I will show that if an abelian fivefold has a vanishing theta null with a quadric tangent cone of rank at most three, then it is in the Jacobian locus, up to extra irreducible components.
This is joint work with Lynn Chua.




26 February 2020

Laura Capuano (Politecnico di Torino)

Lang-Vojta conjecture over function fields for surfaces dominating tori


The celebrated Lang-Vojta Conjecture predicts degeneracy of integral (or more in general S-integral) points on varieties of log general type defined over number fields. It admits a geometric analogue over function fields, where stronger results have been obtained applying a method developed by Corvaja and Zannier.
In this talk, we present a recent result for non-isotrivial surfaces over function fields dominating a two-dimensional torus. This extends Corvaja and Zannier result in the isotrivial case and it is based on an estimate about greatest common divisors of polynomials evaluated at S-units.
This is a joint work with A. Turchet.




4 March 2020

Giovanni Cerulli Irelli (Roma Sapienza)

On quiver Grassmannians


A quiver Grassmannian is a projective variety which parametrizes the subrepresentations of a fixed dimension of a quiver representation. It is easy to show that every projective variety can be realized in this way. One hence restricts the study of such projective varieties to relevant classes of quivers and of quiver representations.
In a joint work with F. Esposito, H. Franzen and M. Reineke we prove geometric and cohomological properties of these varieties in the case of quivers of finite and tame type and in the case of representations which are rigid, i.e. whose Ext1 is zero. I will illustrate the results, give examples and provide an idea of the techniques of proofs.




8 April 2020

Gustavo Jasso (Bonn)

The symplectic geometry of higher Auslander algebras


It is well known that the partially wrapped Fukaya category of a marked disk is equivalent to the perfect derived category of a Dynkin quiver of type A.

In this talk I will present a higher-dimensional generalisation of this equivalence which reveals a deep connection between three a priori unrelated subjects:

* Floer theory of symmetric products of marked surfaces

* Higher Auslander-Reiten theory in the sense of Iyama

* Waldhausen K-theory of differential graded categories

If time permits, as a first application of the above relationship, I will outline a symplecto-geometric proof of a recent result of Beckert concerning the derived equivalence between higher Auslander algebras of different dimensions.

This is a report on joint work with Tobias Dyckerhoff and Yankı Lekili.




15 April 2020

Andrea Seppi (Grenoble)

Examples of four-dimensional geometric transition


Roughly speaking, a geometric transition is a deformation of geometric structures on a manifold, by “transitioning” between different geometries. Danciger introduced a new such transition, which enables to deform from hyperbolic structures to Anti-de Sitter structure, going through another type of real projective structures called “half-pipe”, and provided conditions for a compact 3-manifold to admit a geometric transition of this type. By extending a construction of Kerckhoff and Storm, I will describe examples of finite-volume geometric transition in dimension 4.

This is joint work with Stefano Riolo.




22 April 2020

Ralf Köhl (Giessen)

The geometry of Kac-Moody groups


Kac-Moody groups enjoy very many nice geometric properties via their action on twin buildings, on generalized flag manifolds, and on highest-weight modules endowed with an anisotropic form.

In this talk I want to topological Kac-Moody groups by comparing their properties to semisimple Lie groups. I will introduce symmetric spaces for Kac-Moody groups, I will compute the fundamental group of topological Kac-Moody groups, and I will give evidence for Kostant convexity.





29 April 2020

Laura Pertusi (Milano statale)

Stability conditions and moduli spaces for Kuznetsov components of Gushel-Mukai varieties


A generic Gushel-Mukai variety X is a quadric section of a linear section of the Grassmannian Gr(2,5). Kuznetsov and Perry proved that the bounded derived category of X has a semiorthogonal decomposition with exceptional objects and a non-trivial subcategory Ku(X), known as the Kuznetsov component. In this talk we will discuss the construction of stability conditions on Ku(X) and, consequently, on the bounded derived category of X. As applications, for X of even-dimension, we will construct locally complete families of hyperkaehler manifolds from moduli spaces of stable objects in Ku(X) and we will determine when X has a homological associated K3 surface.

This is a joint work with Alex Perry and Xiaolei Zhao..




6 May 2020

Marco Boggi (Belo Horizonte)

Automorphisms of procongruence mapping class groups


In this talk, I will discuss the automorphism group of the procongruence mapping class group and of the associated procongruence curve and pants complexes. In analogy with a classical result of Ivanov for mapping class groups, this allows to determine the group of automorphisms of the arithmetic procongruence mapping class group which satisfy a natural geometric condition. It is a nontrivial fact that this condition holds in genus 0. Let M0,n be the moduli space of n-labeled, genus 0 algebraic curves. It follows, in particular, that Out(π1ét(M0,n))≅Σn, for n≥5.
This talk is based on a joint work with Louis Funar and Pierre Lochak (cf. arXiv:2004.04135).




13 May 2020

Marco Maculan (Paris Sorbonne)

Affine vs. Stein varieties in complex and rigid geometry


Serre’s GAGA theorem states that, on a projective complex variety, holomorphic objects (functions, vector bundle and their sections, etc.) are algebraic. Without compactness hypothesis this is not true. Yet, one may wonder whether a variety that can be embedded holomorphically into an affine space, can be embedded therein algebraically. A classical example of Serre shows that the answer is negative.

In an ongoing joint work with J. Poineau, we investigate what happens when one replaces the complex numbers by the p-adic ones. Despite the formal similarities between the corresponding analytic theories, the p-adic outcome is somewhat surprising.




20 May 2020

Alexander Lytchak (Köln)

Structure of non-positively curved spaces


In the talk I would like to discuss local geometric, analytic and topological structure of spaces with upper curvature bounds and extendible geodesics.
The talk will be based on joint work with Koichi Nagano.




27 May 2020

Michele D’Adderio (Université libre de Bruxelles)

Partial and global representations of finite groups


The notions of partial actions and partial representations have been extensively studied in several algebraic contexts in the last 25 years.
In this talk we introduce these concepts and give a short overview of the results known for finite groups. We will briefly show how this theory extends naturally the classical global theory, in particular in the important case of the symmetric group.
This is joint work with William Hautekiet, Paolo Saracco and Joost Vercruysse.




3 June 2020

Cristiano Spotti (Aarhus Universitet)

On log Kähler-Einstein metrics


In this talk I will discuss examples and some geometric properties of KE metrics with cone angle singularities along possibly singular (in general worse than normal crossing) divisors.




10 June 2020 – Starting at 16:30!

Valentino Tosatti (Northwestern University)

Metric limits of Calabi-Yau manifolds


I will discuss the problem of understanding the behavior of degenerating families of Ricci-flat Kähler metrics on a Calabi-Yau manifold, and what their possible metric limits are. I will explain what we know in general about such metric limits, what techniques are used to approach these questions, and what applications these results have.

Based on joint works with Gross-Zhang and with Hein.



17 June 2020

Karen Vogtmann (University of Warwick)

Outer space for RAAGs


In recent years right-angled Artin groups (RAAGs) have assumed a prominent place in geometric group theory and related fields,

Now attention is also being focused on their (outer) automorphism groups.  The most well-understood examples of outer automorphism groups of RAAGs are GL(n,Z) and Out(Fn).

GL(n,Z) can be profitably studied via its action on the symmetric space of marked lattices, and Out(Fn) via its action on Outer space.

We propose an analogous “outer space” generalizing both of these, on which the outer automorphism group of an arbitrary RAAG acts properly, and we prove this space is contractible. 

This is joint work with Corey Bregman and Ruth Charney.




24 June 2020

Bojko Bakalov (North Carolina State University)

A vertex algebra construction of representations of toroidal Lie algebras


Given a simple finite-dimensional Lie algebra and an automorphism of finite order, one can construct a twisted toroidal Lie algebra.

Similarly to twisted affine Lie algebras, which are well-studied in the literature, we can create representations of twisted toroidal Lie

algebras with the help of vertex algebras. In this talk, I will discuss twisted modules of vertex algebras and will show how representations of twisted toroidal Lie algebras can be constructed

from such twisted modules.

Joint work with Samantha Kirk.