Michael Artin
Maximal Orders Over Surfaces
Michel Brion
Wonderful completions via Hilbert schemes
Stephen Donkin
Some cohomology of line bundles on flag varieties
Sergey Fomin
Cluster Algebras
Edward Formanek
The Ring of Generic matrices
Adriano Garsia
Mark Goresky
``Real algebraic varieties associated to GL(n,R) and SL(2,C)"
William J. Haboush
Spaces of p-adic Lattices
Mark Haiman
New results on Hilbert schemes and their applications
Victor Kac
Exceptional De Rham complexes and fundamental particles
Friedrich Knop
``The virtual spectrum of invariant differential operators on multiplicity free spaces"
Hanspeter Kraft
On the separation property of orbits
Alain Lascoux
Bruhat order, alternating sign matrices and Grothendieck polynomials
Lieven Le Bruyn
Smooth orders over surfaces
Jean-Louis Loday
A duality between standard simplices and Stasheff polytopes
Dominique Luna
On Demazure embeddings
George Lusztig
Rationality properties of unipotent representations
Robert MacPherson
Springer fibers for loop groups
Mario Salvetti
Cohomology of Coxeter groups and Artin groups
Murray Schacher
Generic Matrices and embedding division algebras into non-crossed products
Gerald Schwarz
Finite dimensional representations of invariant differential operators
C.S. Seshadri
Standard Monomial Theory and connection with K(G/B)
Lance Small
Affine Algebras of Low GK Dimension
Tonny Albert Springer
Intersection cohomology of large Schubert varieties
Brunello Tirozzi
Mathematical models of neurobiology
Jerzy Weyman
Rings of semi-invariants of quivers.
Sebastian Xambo-Descamps
WIT: an Omega package for Intersection Theory