Workshop on

Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Problems in Optimization and Control

Cortona, June, 18-23, 2001

Il Palazzone Passerini del XVI secolo, sede della Scuola Normale a Cortona.
Organizers: M. Falcone (Univ. di Roma "La Sapienza")
A. Pasquali (Univ. di Firenze)

The workshop is sponsored by INDAM - Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica

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The workshop will bring together researchers in the areas of numerical analysis, optimization and optimal control. The main emphasis of the workshop is on numerical methods for nonlinear problems.

The will be three mini-courses of about 8 hours each:

F. Bonnans (INRIA, Rocquencourt)
Numerical Methods for the Optimal Control of Ordinary Differential Equations

K. Kunisch (University of Graz)
Numerical Methods for Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations with Emphasis on Fluids

F.A. Potra (University of Maryland, Baltimore County)
Semidefinite Programming and Applications


The three mini-courses will be tought in the mornings so that there will be time available for informal discussions and other research activities. We plan to organize two sessions of short communications (about 20 min). If you intend to present a short communication please check the box in the application form and send a short Latex abstract (max 1 page) to the organizers at before April 28, 2001.

Please use the Latex form which is available through the WEB page. Be aware that the number of partecipants is limited to 40, so if you intend to partecipate fill the form as soon as possible. The organizers will not accept registrations made after April 28, 2001.

The organizers can (partially) support young partecipants who will not have access to other research funds. If you need financial support write to indicating the amount you need and send to the organizers a CV and at least one recommendation letter.

All the activities will be held at the Palazzone della Scuola Normale Superiore in the countryside of Cortona (about 3 km from the center). More informations about the place can be found at the site

Cortona e il Palazzone, in basso a destra, in un particolare dell'affresco del Papacello, La battaglia del Trasimeno, nel salone del Palazzone.


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