24 September
Welcoming session by
- V. Nesi, as Director of Mathematics Department
- C. Procesi, as Dean of Algebra
- F. Flaminio, as member of Scientific Committe
Chairlady: D. Ghinelli
- 10.20-11.10 F. de Clerck: "Small is beautiful...."
- 11.10-11.40 Coffe Break
- 11.40-12.20 J. W.P. Hirschfeld: "Curves of genus 3"
- 12.30-12.50 A. Sonnino : "The Gale transform in finite geometry and coding theory"
- 13.00 Lunch
- 15.00-15.50 V. Jha : "Fractional Dimensional Semifields"
- 15.50-16.20 Coffe Break
- 16.20 -17.10 F. Mazzocca: "BLOCKING SET: Una panoramica di risultati e alcune recenti direzioni di ricerca"
- 17.20-17.40 C. Cerroni: "Some models of geometries after Hilbert's Grundlagen"
25 September
Chairman: A. D'Andrea
- 10.00-10.50 S. Magliveras: "Cryptanalysis of the Tillich-Zemor hash function"
- 10.50-11.20 Coffe Break
- 11.20-12.10 L. Bader: "Spreads of PG(3,q) and Ovoids of H(3,q^2)"
- 12.20-12.40 D. Iacono: "A new look at the BTT-Theorem"
- 13.00 Lunch
Chairman: Antonio Machì
- 15.00-15.20 G. Bini: "Some Remarks on Calabi-Yau Manifolds"
- 15.30-15.50 M. Avitabile: "Thin Lie algebras"
- 15.50-16.20 Coffe Break
- 16.20-17.10 D. Jungnickel: "Characterizing Geometric Designs"
Greeting session by
- Ernest A. Ruet d'Auteuil, Institute of Combinatorics and Its Applications
- M. Monsurrò
- C. Colasanti