About the conference

The aim of the conference is to bring together PhD students and young researchers in Algebraic Geometry and Representation Theory in order to develop interactions and discussions. This is the fifth Christmas Conference in Rome, see here, here, here or here for the previous editions.

Senior Speaker

  • Filippo Viviani (Roma Tre)

Junior Speakers

  • Daniele Agostini (Humboldt)
  • Francesca Balestrieri (Oxford)
  • Francesco Bei (Humboldt)
  • Claudio Onorati (Bath)
  • Salvatore Stella (Rome Sapienza)

Social Dinner

There will be a social dinner on Thursday evening at I Porchettoni in Via dei Marrucini, 18. All participants are welcome.

Financial Support

We are very grateful to Domenico Fiorenza (Ateneo 2014), for financial support.


If you wish to contact the organizers, please email to cerulli@mat.uniroma1.it or codogni@mat.uniroma3.it.

Local Organizers

  • Giovanni Cerulli Irelli
  • Giulio Codogni
Giardino degli Aranci
Roma Tre University Sapienza, University of Rome Tor Vergata, University of Rome FIRB