

Seminars will be held at INDAM (Istituto Nazionela di Alta Matematica), which is on the first floor of the Math Department building, on the campus of the university "La Sapienza".

12/0714:00-14:45Dev SinhaThe Lie coalgebra model of rational homotopy theory and Hopf invariants.
12/0715:15-16:00Dev SinhaFrom Hopf invariants to knot invariants
12/0716:00-16:30 Tea break
12/0716:30-17:30 Sadok KallelString operations on knot spaces
13/0710:00-11:00 Ryan BudneyA basic family of embedding spaces
13/0714:00-15:00 Mario SalvettiOn the cohomology of Artin groups
12/0715:00-15:30 Tea break
13/0715:30-16:30 Pascal LambrechtsStable rational splitting of the orthogonal tower for embedding