Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence A.A. 2023/24


Prof: Lorenzo Bertini and Vittoria Silvestri

Schedule (from 3.10.23 to 22.12.23)




Prerequisites. Basic notions in mathematics.

The course is delivered in traditional mode: exclusively in the presence, "blackboard and chalk". Recordings or notes of the lectures will not be available, consult instead the recommended text.
As a rule, the teachers do not respond to student emails. Rather, the students are encouraged to ask questions during lectures and/or in the meeting with the teachers.

Examinations schedule, check the notes on Infostud for time and classroom.

Extraordinary exams, check the notes on Infostud for time and classroom.

Examination procedure (A.A. 2023/24)

Only the students booked via Infostud will be allowed to take the exam. If problems are encountered with Infostud refer to "Centro InfoSapienza", not to the teachers. It is recommended to read the notes for relevant informations.

The exam consists of a written test, the oral interview is optional; such option can be exercised either by the student or the teachers. Part of the written test may focus on theoretical topics.
During written tests, consultation of texts or notes and use of calculators or other electronic devices is not allowed.

There is no "midterm exam".

Possible "Extraordinary exam sessions" are reserved to the students which satisfy the needed requirements. Only the students whose name is communicated to the teachers by the "Segreteria Didattica" will be admitted to those exam sessions.

The examination procedures described above apply to all exams, regardless of the matriculation year of the students.

Exercise sessions

Friday lectures are dedicated to discussing the exercises proposed by the teachers and available here. One of the exercises of the exam tests (except for extraordinary exam sessions) will be identical to one of the proposed exercises.
N.B. The 'official solutions' to the proposed exercises are not and will not ever be available, it is a student task.

Proposed exercises

  1. Week 1, to be discussed 6.10.23
  2. Week 2, to be discussed 13.10.23
  3. Week 3, to be discussed 20.10.23
  4. Week 4, to be discussed 27.10.23
  5. Week 5, to be discussed 3.11.23
  6. Week 6, to be discussed 10.11.23
  7. Week 7, to be discussed 17.11.23
  8. Week 8, to be discussed 24.11.23
  9. Week 9, to be discussed 1.12.23
  10. Week 10, to be discussed 15.12.23
  11. For the 22.12.23 there will not be new exercises, the students are encorauges to ask questions about any of the exercises proposed (see above).