Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue Applicazioni
ISSN 1120-7183 (print)
ISSN 2532-3350 (online)
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Volume 11 (1) (1991)

  • M.T. Calapso
    Quasi Sasakian manifolds endowed with a 1-conformal cosymplectic structure
    1-13 pdf file
  • O. Ferri, G. Tallini
    Una caratterizzazione delle quadriche non singolari di PG(4,9)
    15-21 pdf file
  • L. Berardi, F. Eugeni
    Smart Cards and Authentication Schemes
    23-29 pdf file
  • P. De Vito, P.M. Lo Re
    Sugli spazi lineari con n2+n+1 punti e n2+3n rette
    31-38 pdf file
  • G. Pesamosca
    On the Analytic Solution of the 3-Point Weber Problem
    39-45 pdf file
  • M.K. Aouf
    On a New Criterion for Univalent Functions of Order Alpha
    47-59 pdf file
  • M. Chipot, G. Vergara Caffarelli
    A Remark on G-Convergence for Nonsymmetric Operators
    61-66 pdf file
  • M.M. Peloso
    Central Critical Points in the Spectrum of the Fourier-Stieltjes Algebra of a Locally Compact Group
    67-84 pdf file
  • P. Filipponi
    On the 3n+1 Problem: Something Old, Something New
    85-103 pdf file
  • A.M. Pastore, F. Verrocca
    Some Results on the Homogeneous Riemannian Structures of Class T1⊕ T1.
    105-121 pdf file
  • M. Obradovich, S. Owa
    The Ruscheweyh's Derivative and some Criteria for Univalence in the Unit Disc
    123-132 pdf file
  • L. Guerra
    Sugli Ideali Principali dell'Anello delle Coordinate di una Varietà Proiettiva e la Proprietà S2
    133-156 pdf file
  • J.J. Benedetto, C. Karanikas
    Support Dependent Fourier Transform Norm Inequalities
    157-174 pdf file
  • E. De Pascale, G. Trombetta
    Fixed Points and Best Approximations for Convexly Condensing Functions in Topological Vector Spaces
    175-186 pdf file
  • D. Pasquali Coluzzi
    On Some Configurations of Points in a Finite Affine Space AG(n,q)
    187-198 pdf file
  • F. Lerda
    Intelligenza Artificiale, Matematica e Fisica: Hic Rhodus, Hic Salta
    199-207 pdf file