Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue Applicazioni
ISSN 1120-7183 (print)
ISSN 2532-3350 (online)
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Volume 12 (2) (1992)

  • B. Rizzi
    Su alcune proprietà funzionali dell' indicatoredi Stevens
    273-284 pdf file
  • J. Patel
    New results on univalence of Gelfond-Leontev derivatives of functions defined by gap power series
    285-297 pdf file
  • B. Cengiz
    On order-preserving isomorphism of C0(X)
    299-304 pdf file
  • J.C. Marrero
    Locally conformal cosymplectic manifolds foliated by generalized Hopf manifolds
    305-327 pdf file
  • A.K. Katsaras, J. Martinez-Maurica
    Approximation numbers of continuous linear mappings and compact operators on non=archimedean spaces
    329-343 pdf file
  • K. Metsch
    On the maximum size of a maximal partial plane
    345-355 pdf file
  • S.S. Dragomir
    Approximation of continuous linear functionals in real normed spaces
    357-364 pdf file
  • S.Y. Chung, D. Kim, S.K. Kim
    Equivalence of the spaces of ultradifferentiable functions and its applications to Whitney extension theorem
    365-380 pdf file
  • P.P. Zabrejko
    Iteration methods for the solution of operator equations and their application to ordinary and partial differential equations
    381-397 pdf file
  • A. Ossicini, F. Rosati
    Polinomi di Jacobi s-ortogonali
    399-403 pdf file
  • M. Bruni
    Sulla parallelizzazione esplicita dei prodotti di sfere
    405-423 pdf file
  • S. Console
    Surfaces with conformal second fundamental form
    425-444 pdf file
  • A.M. Pastore
    Homogeneous representations of the hyperbolic spaces related to homogeneous structures of class T1⊕T3
    445-453 pdf file
  • F. Marcellán, T.E. Pérez, M.A. Piñar
    On zeros of Sobolev-type orthogonal polynomials
    455-473 pdf file
  • L. Salvadori, F. Visentin
    Sulla stabilità totale condizionata nella meccanica dei sistemi olonomi
    475-495 pdf file
  • S. Mazzone
    Esistenza, unicità e regolarità per un sistema di disequazioni variazionali debolmente accoppiato: una generalizzazione del problema delle due membrane
    497-504 pdf file
  • C.P. Gupta, M.N. Nkashama
    Periodic solutions of some forced nonlinear nonautonomous second order ordinary differential equations at resonance
    505-520 pdf file
  • B. Messano
    On functional equations of the form [see pdf] and Goursat problem for the equation [see pdf]
    521-543 pdf file